Weather That Kills Cell Phone Signals – Todays Weather News

Weather That Kills Cell Phone Signals

It is a known fact that weather conditions can affect the quality of calls you make. Extreme weather conditions have the power to affect your device’s performance. Some of the weather conditions that can adversely affect your signal reception are:

Extreme temperatures are not good for any cell. Extreme heat can disable your cell from picking up signals properly. The radio waves that make up the cell signals get distributed or often completely lost due to the extreme temperature. Very hot weather can even cause the battery to leak.

Quoting Motorola’s warning here, “A car’s internal temperature can exceed 80 degrees Celsius, and the temperature of a dashboard with direct exposure to the sun can exceed 120 degrees Celsius.”

The statement highlights how dangerous extreme heat is not just to the signals, but also to your cell phone. Make sure you keep it in a proper atmosphere – away from heat, fire read on at Weather News Today