Hire one of the best SEO & SEM Marketing Gurus – Call 1 888 244 8102

We charge $60 USD per hour for our Web Design & SEO Services. If you want one-on-one consulting/web design and SEO training, then our price is $80 USD per hour. We are less expensive and a whole lot better than many companies that are charging much higher rates. We now need a 20 hour commitment from clients which can be spread over time.
We are now also offering monthly packages for the serious business or person only. We only have 3 spots we can fill up right now, due to a small and very focused team that understands the importance of keeping our work at a world class level.
3 spots available for a monthly bundle–> $3000 per month to hire Rock Star SEO for 20 hours a week (80 hours a month) of dedicated world class SEO SEM and Social Media Marketing work, this lowers our hourly rate by over $22 per hour. (that’s big savings